Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My pool has gone green, what do I do? 


The most effective way to treat a green pool is to shock it with a high dose of chlorine and algaecide. Keep your pump and filter running for at least 10 hours during and after treatment. Give your pool a good vacuum and backwash afterward. If you find that your water turns cloudy, this is a sign that the algae is dead and it's now a matter of using a clarifier to clear the water. In some bad cases, a flocculant may be required.

If you require help with these steps or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us for information regarding this process.


Q: Is there anything special I need to do to maintain my Salt Chlorinator?


We recommend adding BioGuard Stain and Scale regularly as it helps break down scale and stops calcium build-up forming on the chlorinator cell. This will also assist in the manual cleaning process as it keeps the scale softer. Keeping the scale build-up reduced makes the cell more efficient and your pool fresher.

Your cell can be cleaned regularly with Hydrochloric Acid. The acid works to dissolve calcium build-up. If Stain and Scale has been used, this process will be relatively quick and easy.


Q: I've come out of the swimming pool with itchy skin, how can I reduce this? 


Keep your water balanced.

Sanitiser is an essential part of your water balance, but if the dose is too high or an oxidiser isn't used, then some people can experience an itchy rash after swimming. Keeping your water balanced correctly with specialized products can help to reduce this reaction. Sanitisers are used to prevent algae and kill bacteria.

Oxidisers destroy organic contaminants and if used regularly use, your water will be clean and healthy. Balancers are designed to keep the ideal mineral levels in the water. Chemical factors such as pH, Total Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness all need to be properly balanced to ensure the sanitiser can work efficiently.


Q: My water seems to be turning cloudy, how can I stop this? 


The first thing is to check if your filter system is operating correctly. If you have a glass or sand filter, it may need a good backwash and rinse. If you have a cartridge filter, using a specialised product such as BioGuard Filter Brite can clean your filter. Secondly, check your chlorine and pH levels and ensure they are within the ideal range.

Another possibility could be that there is a large amount of organic matter or dead algae in the water, which can happen after heavy use or rain. This can be resolved with the use of clarifiers such as BioGuard Polysheen Plus or BioGuard Super Clear Clarifying Tablets. Clarifiers bind the particles together for easier extraction by the filter.


Q: I am going away for a week or two. What can I add to the pool to help while I am away?


It's best not to let the pool sit unattended for more than a week as it encourages bacteria and algae growth along with debris build up. We recommend shocking your pool first with BioGuard Burn Out Extreme and adding an algaecide to prevent the water from turning green.

Running your filtration system on a timer for 8-12 hours is ideal. Be sure to get your water tested after your holiday to check your water balance. If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, why not try adding a floating tablet dispenser or chlorine sticks in the skimmer to keep the chlorine level up.


Q: How often should I test my water?


We recommend checking your water a minimum of once a week in Summer and at least monthly if not fortnightly in Winter. Making sure to thoroughly check your water on a regular basis will ensure consistency and keep equipment repair costs down.


Q: My eyes are red and sore when I get out of the pool. How can I avoid this? 


Red, irritated eyes occur when excessive chemicals are found in the water. The best way to avoid this is to keep your pool properly balanced, especially the pH and sanitiser levels.


Q: Can I use pool chemicals in my spa?


It isn't recommended to use pool chemicals in spa pools, even though it may seem as though they are similar products. We stock a range of specialty spa products for every need including Spa Sanitiser for use as chlorine, Performance Up for Total Alkalinity, Aquality for pH decrease, and Shield for Calcium Hardness


Q: What is the best way to keep my pool clear?


There are several steps you can take to ensure you keep your pool water clear and healthy. One is to make sure you keep the water circulating, at least 12 hours a day in swimming season and at least 4 hours in winter. Clean or backwash your filter on a regular basis. All pools have 'dead spots', where the water circulation just isn't as good and promotes algae growth.

The best way to remedy this is by regular vacuuming and brushing of the walls and surface of the pool. Testing the water on a regular basis and using the correct chemicals all help to maintain a healthy pool.



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